further information: https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/neues/safety-first-sicherheitsnetz-fuer-patienten-mit-oraler-krebstherapie
Germany-wide safety net for oral anticancer therapy Germany-wide safety net for oral anticancer therapy
Funding awarded! The groundbreaking SafetyFIRST pilot project will start in spring 2023. The aim is to set up a nationwide safety network with 24 centres from hospitals and specialist practices. The intention is to strengthen local interprofessional competence in the care of patients with oral anticancer therapy and to improve the medication safety (AMTS) in this area. The nationwide project is led by an AMTS competence centre of the University Hospital Erlangen, the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and the University of Bonn. The Federal Ministry of Health is funding Safety-FIRST for three years with a total of 600,000€.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Jaehde
Clinical Pharmacy
University of Bonn
Tel. 0228-73 5252
E-mail: u.jaehde{at}uni-bonn.de