Team members
Head of department and secretary's office

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Jaehde
Head of Department
Pharmaceutical Institute
University of Bonn
An der Immenburg 4
D-53121 Bonn
Tel.: +49-228-73 5252
Fax: +49-228-73 9757
E-mail: u.jaehde[at]

Hanna Picht
Secretary's Office
Pharmaceutical Institute
University of Bonn
An der Immenburg 4
D-53121 Bonn
Tel.: +49-228-73 5251
Fax: +49-228-73 9757
E-mail: sekretariat[at]
Office hours: Mon-Thu 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Fr 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Home office)

Dr. Ronja Woltersdorf
Main research areas:
- Drug interaction management in community pharmacies
- Development of score systems to identify patients at high risk of drug-related problems
Organisation of the Seminar Clinical Pharmacy
Tel.: +49-228-73 5256
E-mail: r.woltersdorf[at]

Dr. Judith Hildebrand
Coordination of the postgraduate Master's programme Medication Safety (Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit, AMTS)
Tel.: +49-228-73 5256
E-mail: j.hildebrand[at]

Dr. Ana Socorro Rodríguez Báez
Main research area:
Model-informed drug development and precision dosing in Neonates and Infants (MONI)
Tel.: +49-228-73 5256
E-mail: a.rodriguez[at]
PhD students

Anna Wermund (née Böhmer)
Main research area:
Development of risk models to predict adverse drug reactions in hospitals (POLAR and INTERPOLAR project)
Member of the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS)
Tel.: +49-228-73 4943
E-mail: a.wermund[at]

Thomas Bauerdick
Main research area:
Development of risk models to predict adverse drug reactions in hospitals
(Continuation of the INTERPOLAR project)
Member of the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS)
Tel.: +49-228-73 5781
E-mail: w.fehrmann[at]

Wolfgang Fehrmann
Main research area:
Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure the medication literacy of patients receiving oral anticancer therapy (AMIKO project)
Member of the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS)
Tel.: +49-228-73 4943
E-mail: w.fehrmann[at]

Nadja Haas
Main research area:
Modelling PRO-CTCAE items in oral anticancer therapy using Markov models
Student advisor for the specialisation Clinical Pharmacy in the Master's degree programme Drug Research
Organisation of the Seminar "Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics"
Member of the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS)
Tel.: +49-228-73 5242
E-mail: n.haas[at]

Marlene Falk
Main research area:
Strategies to improve medication literacy of patients receiving oral anticancer therapy
Member of the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS)
Tel.: +49-228-73 3233
E-mail: m.falk[at]

Carolin Keip
Main research area:
Towards a quality assurance system for medication reviews in community pharmacies
Member of the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS)
Tel.: +49-228-73 4943
E-mail: c.keip[at]

Luca Marie Koltermann
Main research area:
Comparison of machine learning and population pharmacokinetic approaches for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Member of the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS)
Tel.: +49-228-73 5242
E-mail: l.koltermann[at]

Olga Teplytska
Main research area:
Comparison of machine learning and population pharmacokinetic approaches for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Member of the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS) and the graduate programme PharMetrX
Tel.: +49-228-73 5242
E-mail: o.teplytska[at]

Lars Wismar
Main research area:
Influence of interprofessional medication management on patient-reported outcomes under oral anticancer therapy (SafetyFIRST project)
Member of the Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS)
Tel.: +49-228-73 5781
E-mail: l.wismar[at]
External PhD students

Annelie Goldbeck
Main research area:
Medication safety in an interprofessional, geriatric, complex inpatient treatment
Tel.: +49-221-47 888478
E-mail: annelie.goldbeck[at]
Master's degree students

Dennis Hackenberg
Main research area:
Evaluation of the interprofessional communication regarding medication reviews in community pharmacies
Scholarship holder of the German Society for Clinical Pharmacy (congress scholarship)

Eva Helmer
Main research area:
Influence of non-adherence on the estimation of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters

Preben Läthe
Main research area:
Validation of a PRO-CTCAE item set for multiple myeloma